Wednesday 7 June 2017


It has been a while since I posted anything new.

Not because nothing happened, but more that too much is happening and time and muse to write something creative, often doesn’t go hand in hand.

There were workshops in March and April and an Inspiring and enjoyable walk on the Camino in May ( a  blog on this subject is promised sometimes soon ). In between there was ‘ordinary’ Floristry Work due to Mothersday and also Easter, Communions and Confirmations and lots of other celebrations of life and sadly death. 

Now facing summertime, there are weddings and summer-workshops on the agenda.
But most work I do in between is somehow connected to producing basic seasonal food by working in the garden or on our smallhold farm. It really is something I deeply enjoy and believe in throughout all my life. Our principals are basic and rather old fashioned and definitely not profitable. Therefor we don’t use any machinery, apart from a strimmer very occasionally – well I use it, my husband even quietly swings his side to create a way or cut some feeding for the goats in the evening of a rainy day. But most of the time we just let everything grow … for the free roaming geese, the chicks and ducks, the goats, the bees and butterflies. Noxious weeds like ragworth and docks get pulled out by hand ….not by a bottle of weedkiller.  On evening walks I do count my blessings, well or I might say our great biodiversity of various plants ….. I am talking about 50 + different wild species, not included are the ones we added to our environment. A bit of a blog will follow on this subject as well – very soon  - 2.promise of today....

So what are the Workshops about in the summer months?

They will be all tailor-made to suit your own individual needs.
Date – time – duration – subject – numbers ( 4 – 10 people ) – cost – lunch option …. All and everything is open for discussions.
Children are welcome and are reasonably priced accordingly. 

Subjects/ ideas on offer are: 

- Flower-arranging in all and any aspect.
Ideas for decorating your own home, your special event (wedding/birthdays/anniversaries …. ), using your own flowers or a mixture of purchased ones and homegrown foliage/flowers.

-  herbal talk and walk. Introduction of wild herbs and cultivated ones, how to grow                   and use them.

- walk/talk on biodiversity.  Identification of wild plants and support to make your own list of the vegetation around your home. Suggestions of improvement of your biodiversity.

- introduction to self-sufficiency

- a mixture of all of them topics .... :)

- your own ideas

In the meantime enjoy those long summer nights .... switch of the TV and the phone .... wander around in full moons night or early dawn .... listen .... smell .... touch .....create a secret place .... 


  1. Excellent stuff....agree about switching off the tv and enjoying the long part of the year....:-)

    1. Thank you Jimmy :), sometimes I wish we would need less sleep in summer to make use of all the bright eves and mornings ... say about 3 hours sleep :)

  2. Wish I would live closer to you!

  3. Ah Bine, thank you .... you never know ... maybe one day .... :). Would be lovely to have you both popping up more regularly for the 3 big C's .... ( Coffee, Cake and Chat :) )
